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WorkSpaceSetup.cfg 組態檔

WorkSpaceSetup.cfg 檔案可讓您自訂工作環境。msconfig.cfg 包括針對 WorkSpaceSetup.cfg 的下列內容:
%if exists ($(_USTN_CONFIGURATION)WorkSpaceSetup.cfg)
%  include $(_USTN_CONFIGURATION)WorkSpaceSetup.cfg

建議您不要對提供的 WorkSpaceSetup.cfg 進行任何變更。您應將提供的 WorkSpaceSetup.cfg 複製到 ConfigurationSetup.cfg 檔案中定義的「自訂組態」,然後 對其進行自訂。

#  WorkSpaceSetup.cfg - Configures WorkSpace for Your Organization
# The main function of this Configuration File is to set the label that
# your organization wants to use for WorkSpaces. WorkSpaces are the 
# grouping mechanism for WorkSets. The label for this level of grouping 
# could be Client, Facility, Department, Owner, or whatever you would 
# like it to be. The default label is the neutral "WorkSpace". Uncomment
# the definition below, and set it to your preferred label.
# A second possible use for this Configuration File is to redirect the
# root directory where your Organization-wide standards are stored to somewhere 
# other than the default. The default is $(_USTN_CONFIGURATION)Organization/.
# It can be changed by redefining _USTN_ORGANIZATION.
# A third possible use for this Configuration File is to redirect the
# root directory where your WorkSpaces  are stored to somewhere other
# than the default. The default is $(_USTN_CONFIGURATION)WorkSpaces/.
# It can be changed by redefining _USTN_WORKSPACESROOT.
# Assume MY_WORKSPACES_LOCATION variable points to your desired network location like
#MY_WORKSPACES_LOCATION = //MyNetwork/MyWorkSpaces/

檔案中的註解解釋了它的三個主要用途: - 將工作環境標籤設定為您組織所需要的值,以及 盡可能地將整個組織的標準資料和/或其他所有 工作環境資料重新導向至其他位置 (例如,網路共用)。